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Plan Change 61: National Planning Standards and other changes

Illustration of a Papakāinga

We’re proposing new changes to the District Plan to line up with National Planning Standards. We’re also looking at some key changes and want to know what you think.

District Plan

A district plan is a ‘rule book’ that sets out the zones properties are located in (e.g. residential, commercial, etc.), what activities we’re allowed to do on land (permitted activities) and what activities we or our neighbours need a resource consent for. It impacts almost everything we do in our district, and how we do it.

As well as regulating what we can or can’t do on a property, the district plan controls the negative effects our activities could have on neighbours, and vice versa. For example, the district plan can decide how much noise we can make, or how close we can build a house next to the property boundary. The district plan also protects the uniqueness of our district, for example, by looking after our cultural and historic heritage, and natural environment and biodiversity.

The District Plan is a statutory document developed under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). A Plan Change is a change to the plan.

What is Plan Change 61?

Plan Change 61 seeks to introduce new formatting and content to the District Plan to meet the requirements of the Ministry for the Environment National Planning Standards. The purpose of the National Planning Standards is to make the District Plan easier to use and understand.

This includes adding new chapters, standards, rules, and definitions throughout the District Plan.

Key proposed changes

Below are the key proposed changes. A detailed version of these changes and other more minor changes is available in the link below:

Summary of Key proposed changes

Proposed allocation of Open Space Zone and Sport Active Recreation Zones 

Proposed allocation of Open Space Zone and Sport and Active Recreation Zones


The Ministry for the Environment want us to simplify how reserves are administered. We’re proposing to recognise our existing reserves with new names/classifications and two of the reserves will have new rules. This will help make it easier to do some types of activities in the Open Space Zone and Sport and Recreation Zone. 

Open Space Zone

We’re proposing a new Open Space Zone chapter. This zone will continue to manage the open spaces used for passive and active recreational activities like walking. Examples of this type of Open Space are Tom Grant Drive, Matamata and Howie Park, Morrinsville.

Sport and Active Recreation Zone

We’re proposing a new Sport and Active Recreation Zone chapter. This zone will continue to manage the open space areas for formal sport and recreation activities for local and district-wide communities. Examples of this type of open space are Morrinsville Recreation Ground and Matamata Domain.

Natural Open Space Zone

This chapter will rely on the same rules as the existing Kaitiaki (Conservation) Zone. This zone will continue to provide for open spaces that contain high natural, ecological, landscape and historic heritage values. Examples of this type of open space are the Te Aroha Domain, Kopuatai Peat Dome and Kaimai Range.

Mana whenua chapter

This chapter covers iwi/hapu matters and interests and guidance on how to effectively approach consultation with mana whenua within the district.

Residential unit and standards in Town Centre Zone, Commercial Zone and General Industrial Zone

 We’re proposing to increase residential living opportunities in the Town Centre Zone, Commercial Zone and General Industrial Zone. This will include a set of new standards and rules which means residential units could be tenanted by someone unrelated to the business.

Minor residential units within General Residential Zone, General Rural Zone, Rural Lifestyle Zone

We’re proposing to introduce ‘minor residential units,’ subject to some rules. These could be used by anyone (not just family) and would replace the ‘dependant persons dwelling’ currently in the District Plan.

Exclusion for the keeping of animals in General Rural Zone and Rural Lifestyle Zone

We’re proposing to add two new standards into these zones:

  1. To allow pastoral farming activities to continue where they provide shelter/stand-off pads for animals and the farming relies on the soils, as long as they are not intensive indoor primary production.
  2. To provide a boundary setback of 50m (instead of the current 5-10m, depending on location setback) where animals are kept, to help reduce cross boundary nuisances associated with keeping animals.

 Town Centre Zone 

We’re proposing to rezone portions of central Matamata, Morrinsville, Te Aroha from ‘Business Zone’ to ‘Town Centre Zone’, with the remainder of the ‘Business Zone’ becoming ‘Commercial Zone’.

We’re also proposing to remove the following incompatible permitted activities from the existing Town Centre Zone

·         Vet clinics

·         Fire stations

·         Packhouses and cool stores

·         Storage and warehousing

Future Urban Zone

We’re proposing to recognise the two existing locations already allocated for future residential development in the district, with a new zone called Special Purpose Zone-Future Urban Zone, to line up with the National Planning Standards. This new zone will have its own objectives, policies and rules.  The proposed rules will limit the activities that can take place on this land to ensure it is fit for its future residential purpose. The objectives and policies will seek that a plan change is undertaken prior to the urbanisation occurring. This will ensure at the time of development that the land is developed in an appropriate manner, and recognises any constraints on the sites.      

Other proposed changes

Other proposed changes are mentioned and discussed in more detail in the Proposed Changes Summary document included in the 'Key proposed changes' section above.

Get involved!

The informal consultation was open for feedback from 1 October to 31 October 2024 and is now closed. Thank you for your feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

The plan change includes a new mana whenua chapter, what matters does this cover?

This chapter covers iwi/hapu matters and interests and guidance on how to effectively approach consultation with mana whenua within the district. The National Planning standards require Councils to include a chapter in their district plans to detail processes and context relating to mana whenua.

The National Planning Standards provides flexibility on the location and level of detail in the chapter, so councils and iwi can decide this locally. The Te Manawhenua Forum mō Matamata-Piako have contributed to our mana whenua chapter.  It provides information around the iwi and hapū that are mana whenua within the Matamata-Piako District. It includes iwi and hapū values, Treaty settlement interests, Council and mana whenua relationships, iwi and hapū planning documents, and engagement and consultation with mana whenua.  This is an important addition to the district plan and will help resource consent applicants and other plan users better understand their Resource Management Act obligations around consultation with Maori.     

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Plan Change Process


Informal public consultation

Open for feedback from 1 October to 31 October 2024.
Community pop-in sessons held across the district including:
Morrinsville, Saturday 19 October
Matamata, Monday 21 October
Te Aroha, Wednesday 23 October 


Notified for public submissions

Mid 2025*

Council calls for further submissions

Mid to late 2025*


Hearing Commissioners to consider submissions

Late 2025*

Plan change decision notified, Environment Court appeal period

Early 2026*

Plan change operative

Mid 2026*

*Note that this timeline shows the entire plan change process. Timeframes are indicative only as the plan change process is fluid. The dates will change from time to time as we work through this process

Contact us

We're happy to answer any questions you have about this plan change - feel free to contact us on

  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 0800 746 467 and ask to speak to Carolyn McAlley or Jayshree Kanji about Plan Change 61