Plan Change 61 - Aligning with the National Planning Standards and other changes
Matamata-Piako District Council is preparing a plan change (Plan Change 61) to align the District Plan to the Ministry of Environment National Planning Standards. The plan change also includes some other changes to reflect changes in how some buildings are located or utilised. Find out more
Private Plan Change 57 - Calcutta Farms Limited
Matamata-Piako District Council recently received a private plan change request for more industrial land within Matamata. Calcutta – Private Plan Change 57 seeks to rezone approximately 41ha of land located on the southern side of Tauranga Road from rural to a General Industrial zone (GIZ). Find out more
Private Plan Change 55 - Fonterra Waitoa
Matamata-Piako District Council has received a request under Schedule 1 to the Resource Management Act 1991(RMA), from Fonterra Limited, for Private Plan Change 55 to the Operative Matamata-Piako District Plan. Find out more
Plan Change 49 - Waharoa
Matamata-Piako District Council have been working alongside Ngāti Hauā Iwi Trust on the Waharoa Plan Change. Matamata-Piako have agreed to initiate a spatial plan, as well as assisting in other aspects of the plan change. Ngāti Hauā is working on a wider initiative that is linked to the plan change, which seeks to revitalise Waharoa. Find out more
What sections of the District Plan have been reviewed already?
Plan Change 54 - Papakāinga
Matamata-Piako District Council is in the early stages of preparing a plan change for papakāinga (PC54) to the District Plan. The plan change seeks to update the District Plan to better enable quality papakāinga development that supports the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of tangata whenua. Find out more
Plan Change 58 - Avenue Business Park (General Industrial Zone)
Matamata-Piako District Council has received a request for Private Plan Change 58 to the Operative Matamata-Piako District Plan from Warwick and Marion Steffert under Schedule 1 to the Resource Management Act 1991(RMA).
Private Plan Change 58 seeks to rezone approximately 14ha of rural land to a General Industrial Zone with a supporting Development Area Plan. The land is located on the western side of Morrinsville, between Avenue Road North and SH26. The legal description of the site is Lot 1 and Lot 2 DPS 78100. Find out more
Private Plan Change 56 - Lockerbie Plan Change, Morrinsville
Proposed Private Plan Change 56 (Lockerbie Plan Change) proposes to rezone approximately 78 hectares of land at 76 Taukoro Road, 182 Morrinsville-Tahuna Road and Lockerbie Street, from ‘Rural Zone – Future Residential’ to ‘Residential Zone’ and ‘Medium Density Residential Zone’ (MRZ). Find our more
Plan Change 53 - Settlements - This plan change reviews the planning rules and zoning for our larger settlements such as Walton, Tahuna, Manawaru, Motumaoho, Te Poi, Hinuera, Waihou, Te Aroha West, Mangateparu and Waitoa as well as small house lots which covers the smaller settlements. Find out more
Plan Change 47 – Plan Your Town reviews the planning rules and zoning for each of our three towns and the areas around them. This is an important process as the proposed changes may affect many residents and land owners throughout the district. As the plan change has progressed, various parts of Plan Change 47 have been heard at a Council hearing, deferred, withdrawn or subject to Environment Court appeal. Subsequently, Plan Change 47 has been divided into four separate parts, each reflecting the current status of an individual aspect of the plan change. Find out more below:
Banks Road - Operative 22 April 2020
Kuranui Road - Operative 29 June 2018
Part-operative version - Operative 6 April 2018
Horrell Road - Withdrawn 13 December 2017
Plan Change 50 - Hobbiton Development Concept Plan, 487, 501 and 502 Buckland Road, Matamata introduced a Development Concept Plan (DCP) for the Hobbiton Movie Set at Buckland Road, Matamata. This plan change became operative on 18 December 2019. Find out more
Plan Change 52 - Development Concept Plan for Milk Processing Factory Site, Tatuanui updated the existing Development Concept Plan (DCP) for the Tatua Co-operative Dairy Company Ltd. (Tatua) milk processing factory on State Highway 26, Tatuanui.
The purpose of the revised DCP is to provide for the integrated and coordinated development of the Tatua site by replacing its exisiting DCP and current resource consents to allow for additional growth and development of the milk processing facility. This plan change became operative on 21 August 2019. Find out more
Plan Change 51 - Development Concept Plan for Milk Processing Factory Site, Waharoa introduced a Development Concept Plan (DCP) for the Open Country Dairy milk processing factory site in Factory Road, Waharoa.
The purpose of the DCP is to provide for the integrated and coordinated development of the Open Country Dairy site, in advance of its current resource consents, to allow for additional growth and development of the milk processing facility. This plan change became operative on 5 June 2019. Find out more.
Plan Change 48 - Protected Trees reviewed Schedule 3 (Outstanding or significant natural features and trees and other protected items) of the District Plan and the associated tree protection Objectives, Policies and Rules.
The Plan Change sought to update Schedule 3 to ensure that it continues to represent the most significant trees in the District. In addition, the plan change will ensure that rules relating to protected trees in District Plan offer landowners increased flexibility to carry out maintenance and pruning work while still protecting significant trees. This plan change became operative on 24 May 2017. Find out more.
Plan Change 46 - Development Concept Plan for Poultry Processing and Manufacturing, Waitoa. This plan change amended the Development Concept Plan for the Inghams Enterprises (NZ) Pty Limited poultry processing factory in Waitoa.
Progressive development of the Inghams site means that the Development Concept Plan ('DCP') has effectively been superseded by resource consents and no longer provides for future growth of the facility. The purpose of the Plan Change was to ensure alignment between Inghams' existing resource consents and the DCP contained within the Matamata-Piako District Plan, and to provide for additional growth and development. This plan change has been adopted by Council and became operative on 23 December 2015. Find out more.
Plan Changes 43 and 44 - Transport and Works and Network Utilities. These sections include provisions on the issues of vehicle entranceways, car parking, noise effects of railways and state highways, transmission lines and telecommunication towers, and where renewable energy generation can occur. These plan changes became operative on 21 October 2015. Find out more.
Plan Change 42 – Rural Subdivision reviewed the provisions in the District Plan relating to subdivision of rural land. This included addressing the issues of loss of high quality soils through fragmentation of titles and the adverse effects of rural-residential growth in the Rural zone. It also included some minor corrections to zoning (from Rural to Residential) on the District Plan maps, in locations where residential subdivision had already occurred. This plan change became operative on 4 December 2013.
Plan Change 41: Integration of the Development Manual and the District Plan, including Urban Design. Plan Change 41 amended the provisions of the District Plan to provide for the integration of the Development Manual and the District Plan, and to include changes to the District Plan in respect of urban design.
The intention of these changes was to ensure that the type, form and quality of infrastructure being built meet Council’s requirements and community expectations while also allowing for consideration of alternative designs and solutions. In terms of urban design, the intent was to ensure that residential subdivision and development within the District is meeting current best practice.