Annual Report
The Annual Report details Council’s achievements against the activities, projects and budgets outlined in the Long Term Plan (LTP) or the Annual Plan.
Community Views Survey Report
We complete a survey each year to measure whether our community is satisfied with the services we provide, so we can make improvements where possible. This survey is carried out throughout the year and we would appreciate your feedback if you are contacted.
Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) - Annual Reports and Statements of Intent
Council holds a 15.625% shareholding of the Waikato Regional Airport (WRAL) and an 8.33% shareholding of Waikato Local Authority Shared Services (WLASS). Their Statements of Intent and Annual Reports are submitted to Council each year.
Dog Control Report 2023-24
The Dog Control Act 1996 requires territorial authorities to report annually on the administration of its dog control policy and practices, and a variety of dog control related statistics.
Growth Projections
Council undertakes population projections every three years to help inform our long term planning. This link provides access to the report used in our most recent Long Term Plan, as well as updated growth projections.
Housing and Business Assessment
In accordance with the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD), Matamata-Piako District Council have prepared a Housing and Business Assessment. Matamata-Piako District Council’s Housing and Business Assessment is comprised of two key reports, which account for the future community needs required to meet the demand and supply in the short (1-3 years), medium (3-10 years), and long term (10-30 years) for our housing and business land. The key reports are as follows:
Local Government Excellence Programme
Matamata-Piako District Council was one of 18 councils to be assessed for the LGNZ CouncilMarkTM Local Government Excellence Programme, scoring BBB.
Pre-election Report 2022
The pre-election report is prepared by our Chief Executive and must be, by law, politically independent. Its purpose is to inform public discussion. The report highlights the past three financial years spending, and the next three financial years spending.
Standing Orders
Standing orders contain rules for the conduct of the proceedings of local authorities, committees, subcommittees, subordinate decision-making bodies, and local and community boards. Their purpose is to enable local authorities to exercise their decision-making responsibilities in a transparent, inclusive, and lawful manner.
State of the Environment
Council’s State of the Environment Monitoring Strategy is the ongoing monitoring and reporting of the indicators identified and most of these are reported on annually. It also measures the pressures on the environment and how Council is responding to these pressures, as well as what the community can do to help, and provides useful links to other agencies.
Universal Water Metering 2020
A report was commissioned to investigate whether we should roll out Universal water metering to water consumption. Council has decided to park this issue for now and revisit it in 2023 when we have more information available.