Economic Development

When developing the 2018-28 Long Term Plan, Council identified its vision to make Matamata-Piako ‘the place of choice – lifestyle, opportunities, home.’ To deliver on this vision, council also identified strategic priorities – one of which was supporting economic development and economic growth in our district.


Regional Economic Development

MPDC is involved in a number of regional economic development initiatives

  • The Waikato Means Business economic development strategy was initiated by the Waikato Mayoral Forum in 2013 to help develop the region’s potential. This lead to the development of Te Waka
  • Te Waka - the Regional Economic Development Agency is a business-led and governed organisation established to drive economic growth in the Waikato. Council currently contributes $30,000 per year towards Te Waka. You can find out more about Te Waka and their work at
  • Hamilton & Waikato Tourism was established in 2011 to undertake regional tourism marketing and development activities for the region. Matamata-Piako District Council currently contributes $150,000 per year towards HWT. You can find out more about HWT and their work at
  • The Waikato Plan is the first time all the councils and agencies in the Waikato have worked together to create one plan that gives them one collective voice about important issues that affect us now and will affect us over the next 30 years. You can read it at


Local Economic  Development activities

In addition to these regional initiatives, Council undertakes the following activities to support local economic development

  • Providing the Business Growth Advisory service in partnership with Te Waka
  • In 2018 Council applied to the Provincial Growth Fund for funding for feasibility studies for an agricultural processing hub at Waharoa and a tourism precinct in Te Aroha. Both projects were awarded funding from the PGF - you can find out more about these projects here
  • Providing event grants to attract and support events in our district. 
  • Providing event and conference coordination services at the Silver Fern Farms Te Aroha Events Centre, Matamata-Piako Civic and Memorial Centre, and Morrinsville Events Centre
  • Recognising local business excellence and providing the chance for businesses to network at the annual Business Awards
  • Showcasing local business success stories on our website 
  • Participating in international delegations to build international relations and promote our district as a place to invest. In recent years, MPDC has participated in trips to China, South Korea and Japan, and hosted reciprocal visits. 
  • Advocacy - MPDC advocates for the community to central government on initiatives that will benefit our community. Recent examples include the roll out of Ultrafast Broadband
  • Financial support - MPDC provides financial support to the Matamata Public Relations Association and Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce, Hauraki Rail Trail, Wallace Gallery and district museums, and other groups
  • Tourism operations - MPDC currently owns and operates the Te Aroha Mineral Spas, Te Aroha i-SITE Visitor Information Centre, and Firth Tower Museum