

Digital Strategy

We’ve developed a Digital Strategy to improve our online services and the way you do business with Council online.


District Tree Strategy - PDF 2.3MB

The District Tree Strategy has been developed to assist with the management of trees on Council administered land.


Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2021-51

The Parks and Open Spaces Strategy sets a long-term vision for our parks and open spaces network.It guides decision-making about the provision, development and management of parks and open spaces, to ensure we have the right parks and open spaces, in the right locations, managed in the right way, to meet the needs of our communities. 


Roading Procurement Strategy - PDF 1.57MB

Outlines Council’s procurement strategy for roading works as required by the New Zealand Transport Agency’s procurement manual.


Signage Strategy - PDF 273KB

Guidelines for signage to allow Council to present a consistent, professional, and recognisable face to the public in our parks and public spaces.


Strategic Direction

Council has set its strategic direction to inform our priorities and work programme moving forward. The strategic direction aligns with the four community wellbeings – social, environmental, cultural and economic which are core pillars of local government’s mandate.


Town Strategies

The town strategies will guide the planning and future development of Morrinsville, Matamata, and Te Aroha over the next twenty years (2013-2033)