Digital Strategy

Over the last ten years, technology and how we use it has changed significantly. Websites are now essential communication channels, wifi is expected in public places, social media is the most common use for the internet, and smartphones are “essential”.  We now literally carry the world in our pockets. This changes how customers expect to do business with us – and we want to be able to meet those changing expectations.

We’ve steadily been improving our online services over the last few years – adding new features to our website (like online LIM applications, GIS, and the cemetery database) and other digital services (like enewsletters and the Antenno app).

But we think you should be able to do all your business with Council online, at a time that suits you – whether you want to look at what your neighbour is building, apply for a resource consent, register your dog, pay for any of our services, or make a presentation to Councillors (and more).

We also know that we could make some of our existing business processes smarter and faster by using more digital systems.

We’ve developed a Digital Strategy to deliver on all these things and much more over the next five years.

Read the full policy here.