Your Rubbish Bin
Your 120L red rubbish bin will be collected fortnightly. It will take anything that doesn't go into your other three bins (food scrap, recycling bin, or glass crate). The only things that must be disposed of separately are hazardous items that could be dangerous to our waste management workers. These include: ashes, batteries, liquids, medical waste, and hazardous materials. We appreciate you taking the time to keep our workers safe.

FAQs - rubbish bin
If your bin is overflowing or the lid is not closing, then your bin will not be emptied.
The amount paid for in your rates is the red lid rubbish bin emptied fortnightly. If you have extra rubbish this will need to be taken to a transfer station for disposal - until the end of August 2024 official MPDC bags can be taken to the transfer station for no additional charge. Otherwise bags up to 60L currently cost $5.50 to dispose of at a transfer station (this charge is reviewed annually). All fees and charges can be found here.
Another option is to contact a bin collection company such as Smart Environmental or Wheelie Bin Services to provide additional rubbish bins as well as collection.
We encourage households to reduce their waste wherever possible and while we're not experts we're happy to try and answer any questions you might have about reducing high waste volume items in your household such as nappies or food waste. We have also had Kate Meads, who is an expert on all things waste minimisation, in for a few community info sessions. You can check her out at