Bin collection calendar


You can pick up a free 2025 collections calendar from reception in our Matamata, Morrinsville and Te Aroha council offices. A PDF version of the calendar is available for download here (1.11MB). Please note that this version of our calendar is more condensed and eco-friendly, in a handy A5 size. Pop it on your fridge, or somewhere handy to make sure you always put out the right bins on the right day!

You can also download an ical export file here which allows you to import the collections calendar into your own digital or online calendar (112KB).

If you would prefer to receive weekly reminders on your phone, then sign up to Antenno. It's a free mobile app that is simple and easy to use, and no personal information or log on details are required. You can receive notifications and alerts about places/activities you care about, as well as report issues to us. Find more information here.


Why the change from a full sized calendar to a leaflet?

The key point of the calendar for Council is to let people know which day each bin is collected. We can achieve this in a more cost-effective and eco-friendly way as a leaflet.

Where will the money go that was used for the full sized calendars?

The past couple of calendars with a waste minimisation focus used funding that came from the Ministry for the Environment. If we receive funding from them again, it can be used on other waste minimisation initiatives.

Why can’t we go back to getting free calendars with district scenery?

Producing calendars not only involves the printing and delivery costs, but also staff time spent designing the calendars. Additionally, it is hard to anticipate how many calendars will be needed and we have ended up with some left over in previous years. We’d rather avoid this waste in the future.