Council and forum members have established a formal process of representation for Māori within the district. The forum is a standing committee of Council and the structure was developed through discussions with Māori nominated representatives. The Forum meets on the first Tuesday of every second month.
The purpose of Te Manawhenua Forum mō Matamata-Piako is, “To facilitate tangata whenua contribution to Council’s decision making.” The forum considers matters to sustainably promote the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of Māori communities for today and for the future.
The Forum includes representatives from Council, Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti Rāhiri-Tumutumu, Raukawa, Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Whanaunga, Ngāti Pāoa and Ngāti Hinerangi. Ngāti Tamaterā also have the ability to join.
To contact Te Manawhenua Forum email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For information on the various Iwi in our district go to the Te Puni Kokiri website.

Rangitionga Kaukau
Ngāti Hauā

Reece Marsh
Ngāti Hinerangi

Hinerangi Vaimoso
Ngāti Hinerangi

Craig Solomon
Ngāti Maru

Waati Ngamane
Ngāti Maru

Tahauariki Thompson
Ngāti Paoa

Glenys Puke
Ngāti Paoa

Jill Taylor
Ngāti Rāhiri-Tumutumu

Leo Whaiapu

Andrea Julian

Michael Baker
Ngāti Whanaunga

Gavin Anderson
Ngāti Whanaunga

Mayor Adrienne Wilcock
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
James Thomas
Deputy Mayor

Gary Thompson
Te Toa Horopū ā Matamata-Piako Councillor