The Councillors employ a Chief Executive Officer to help action their decisions, and the CEO employs staff to help achieve this. Council has one CEO and four other Group Managers.
Each department of Council is run by a manager, who reports to one of the Group Managers. The Executive team is made up of:

Manaia Te WiataTumu Whakarae | Chief Executive Officer
Phone: 07 884 0060
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) leads and ensures the effective management of all Council operations, administration, and policy development to ensure the highest quality of service to the district. The Chief Executive sets the overall vision and strategy for the organisation, creating a common purpose for all staff to aspire to.The five Group Managers report directly to the CEO.

Fiona Vessey Hautū Whakahaere | Group Manager Operations
Phone: 07 884 0060
This role is responsible for the delivery of operations, maintenance, renewal and capital works.The following functions report to this position:
- Roading
- Three Waters
- Kaimai Valley Services
- Solid Waste

Ally van Kuijk Hautū Tipu me te Whakamatua | Group Manager Growth & Regulation
Phone: 07 884 0060
This role is responsible for the delivery of Council’s regulation functions and to plan for growth and resilience. The following functions report to this position:
- Resource Management
- Building Control
- Enforcement and Monitoring
- Emergency Management
- Legal

Kelly Reith Hautū Tāngata, Kāwana me ngā Hononga | Group Manager People, Governance and Relationships
Phone: 07 884 0060
This role is responsible for the delivery of Council’s corporate functions, with a focus on community connection and partnerships to enhance community wellbeing. The following functions report to this position:
- People, Safety and Wellness
- Strategic Partnerships and Governance
- Risk and Quality

Jenni Cochrane Hautū Wheako Kiritaki | Group Manager Customer Experience
Phone: 07 884 0060
This role is responsible for customer and community experience, including digital enablement. The following functions report to this position:
- Customer Services
- Facilities
- Communications and Engagement
- Library Services
- Digital Enablement