Waharoa Recreation Reserve

Council is notifying of a proposed lease of the Waharoa Recreation Reserve (also known as the Waharoa Domain). The proposed lease will enable a community group - Raungaiti Sports Body Incorporated to lease part of the reserve so that they can relocate a building onto the Waharoa recreation reserve to be used to support sports and recreation activities.

The proposal to relocate the building would require the grant of a lease under the Reserves Act 1977. The Reserve is Crown Land, classified as a Recreation reserve and we hold an appointment to ‘control and manage’ the Reserve.

While we're the administering body of the reserve, there are additional legal requirements that apply in this case because the land is Crown Land and has not been vested in Council.


Have your say

We’d love your feedback on the proposed concession (lease) over part of Waharoa Recreation Reserve to assist our Council in their decision-making. Please note submissions must be received by 5pm on 19 March 2024.

Submissions on the on the proposed concession (lease) over part of Waharoa Recreation Reserve have now closed. 


Council decision

Council met on Wednesday 24 April 2024 and decided to grant a concession in the form of a ground lease over a portion of the Reserve to Raungaiti Sports Body Incorporated.

Council has also instructed staff to proceed with the necessary administrative actions to implement this decision. You are able to view the Council meeting minutes here

Council has given preliminary approval to the lease, with additional resource and building consents still pending.

We are excited about the opportunity to collaborate with Raungaiti Sports Body Incorporated during the next steps of this process.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the proposed lease being notified?

This particular reserve is Crown Land managed by Matamata-Piako District Council. In such cases, the law requires us to publically notify a proposed concession such as a lease.

Key dates


Submissions open to public

27 February 2024



Submissions period closes

19 March 2024


Submitters hearing

Late May 2024



Council Decision

24 April 2024