Fees and charges 2023/24


Our Fees and Charges cover everything from swimming pool entry fees to resource and building consent fees and everything in between. We review them every year to ensure they are kept up to date and reflect actual and reasonable costs and to make sure additional processes and new costs are fully covered.


What was proposed

The majority of the proposed Fees and Charges for 2023/24 are proposed to remain the same or increase by inflation. 

Some of the other changes include:

  • proposing to remove all overdue fines at our libraries
  • charging for rubbish collection through rates instead of rubbish bag sales, with rubbish bags only sold through to 31 August 2023.  
  • changing how we charge for meeting/function spaces at Council venues, lifting the daily limits on these spaces help recover some of the actual cost of operating these venues
  • increasing the costs for LIM reports to help recover actual costs.
  • adding some new Building Consent and Resource Consent fees
What you told us

Thank you to all those who took the time to make a submission during the consultation period in March - April 2023. 

We received 20 submissions on the draft fees and charges - you can view these here. From these submissions, the following themes were identified:

  • Some concerns were received about the proposal to remove overdue library fees. This would result in a further delay to the return of books and they may not be returned at all.
  • Comments were received about the change in how Council charges for rubbish – from buying bags, to funding this through rates. Comments received suggested this would not encourage people to produce less waste and there should be an option to opt out for those who would prefer to organise a private collection.
  • A submission was received relating to the proposed additional cleaning fee for the Waharoa (Matamata) Aerodrome. 

A hearing was held on 3 May 2023 whereby submitters could choose to present their submission to Council in person. One person chose to speak on the Fees and Charges. Following this, Council asked staff for further information to assist in their deliberations, and deliberations and decision-making was held at a Council meeting on 24 May 2023.


Council Decision

Council resolved at the Council meeting on 24 May 2023 to adopt the fees and charges as consulted on with the following changes:

Council has considered the feedback received and has removed the proposed additional fee. This means that the fee for staying at the Aerodrome will remain inclusive of cleaning.

Council’s fees and charges will be updated as per the above and will be effective from 1 July 2023.


Fees and Charges for 2023/24

This document outlines all of Council's Fees and Charges. These fees and charges are applicable from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 and are inclusive of GST (except where otherwise specified).

Final Fees and Charges 2023/24   




Project Timeline


Council adopt draft Fees and Charges

8 Mar 2023



Consultation on draft Fees and Charges

14 March - 14 April 2023


Hearing on Policies on draft Fees and Charges

3 May 2023



Council consider submissions/make decisions

24 May 2023


Council adopt Fees and Charges for 2023/24

June 2023


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