Council is proposing to classify 223m2 part of the Hetana Street Reserve, Matamata (Lot 2 DPS 86435) as a local purpose (community use) reserve. Council intends at the same time to classify the remainder of Lot 2 DPS 86435 as recreation reserve in accordance with the purpose it was vested.
The proposed classification will allow the Matamata Community Health Shuttle Trust to relocate and extend their existing garage to accommodate for additional fleet. This will enable this important community not-for-profit service to operate from a single central facility and the adjoining Matamata Resources Trust (Railside by the Green) to be able to expand its facilities in the future.
Consultation on the proposed reserve classification closed on 14 October 2022.
Submissions recieved
Thank you to all those who took the time to fill out a submission form.
Overall we received eighteen submissions. Five submissions were from community organisations including Matamata Community Health Shuttle Trust, Transition Matamata, Centennial Drive Committee, Tom Grant Drive Incorporated, and Keep Matamata Beautiful. Thirteen submissions were from individuals
While there was strong support for the MCHST’s activities and services to the local community, a range of concerns were raised by submitters about the proposed location of the garage, including but not limited to:
- Green spaces in Matamata should not be sacrificed for buildings that could be located elsewhere.
- Ad hoc and reactive nature of planning requests like this which will reduce public amenity at the heart of Matamata.
- This will set a precedent and create expectations from other user groups to expect the same ability to locate garages for one community group on reserves.
- Council has invested in consultation on the masterplan and better use of this area and should complete this work and maintain the area as a reserve.
- Proposal isn’t aligned to the General Policies Reserve Management Plan 2019
- The proposed garage will have visual amenity impacts on the remainder of the reserve.
- Cost of the classification to ratepayers.
- The proposed location and building alignment may pose security and vehicle manoeuvring issues.
- Potential impact on oak trees within Hetana Street Reserve.
- Potential impacts on the amount of self-contained freedom camping parking.
- Stormwater impacts.
MCHST and three submitters that opposed the proposed classifications requested the opportunity to speak to their submissions.
Council has resolved to appoint an independent commissioner to consider all submissions received, including both written submissions and those presented at the hearing, and make recommendations to Council in respect of the proposal.
The hearing for the Hetana Street Reserve Reclassification was held on 10 February 2023 at 10am in Te Takere Room, Matamata-Piako Civic and Memorial Centre at 11 Tainui Street, Matamata.
- Hearing Schedule
- Hearing Process
- Hearing Report
- Hearing Report Attachment 1 MSCHT’s building plans
- Hearing Report Attachment 2 Hetana Street Reserve - Land Status Report. Prepared by Schwarz Consulting Ltd on 19 August 2022
- Hearing Report Attachment 3 Public notice (Scene 6 September 2022)
- Hearing Report Attachment 4 Statement of proposal
- Hearing Report Attachment 5 Submissions in full
- Hearing Report Attachment 6 Submission analysis
- Hearing Report Attachment 7 Ngāti Hauā letter
- Hearing Report Attachment 8 Arborist report
Council Decision
Council considered the independent hearings commissioner’s report and recommendations at a meeting held in Te Aroha on Wednesday, 22 March 2023. The commissioner’s recommendation not to classify Lot 2 DPS 86435 as local purpose (community) reserve, and instead, to classify all of Lot 2 DPS 86435 as recreation reserve has been accepted.
You can view the meeting agenda with the attacthed commisioners report here.
Read more on the proposed reserve classfication, by checking out the documents below.
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Frequently Asked Questions
A local purpose (community use) reserve is an area of land held under the Reserves Act 1977 set aside for a specific community purpose. This type of reserve is often used for community facilities, such as community halls and libraries.
Key Dates
Submissions open to public
6 September 2022
Submission period closes
14 October 2022
Submitters hearing
10 February 2023
Council decision
22 March 2023