Dog registration


85% of the Animal Control service (including dog registration) is funded by user charges.

Below is a list of Animal Control fees and charges for the 2024/25 year:

  • Full dog registration fee: $157
  • Minus rebates if applicable
  • Late payment (after 31 July) will result in a 50% penalty fee. An infringement fine of $300 for keeping an unregistered dog may also be issued.

Rebates - want to pay lower fees?

Rebates reward responsible dog owners. These rebates include:

  • No complaints rebate - $35 rebate: Every owner is automatically eligible for this rebate unless a dog you own has been impounded during the previous and/or current registration year*, your registration fees weren't paid on time or we have received a complaint that has been followed up and found to be justified.  
  • Desexed/working/Dogs New Zealand breeder rebate– total $30 rebate: If you have previously received this rebate you will automatically be eligible. You can only claim one of the desexed/working dog/Dogs New Zealand breeder rebates per dog. To claim this rebate you must provide either a copy of a vet certificate for a desexed dog rebate, complete a working dog declaration form or provide your annual Dogs New Zealand breeder papers.
  • Responsible Owner Rebate - $15 rebate: If you have previously received a responsible owner's rebate you will automatically be eligible for this rebate unless a dog you own has been impounded during the previous and/or current registration year*, we have received a complaint that has been followed up and found to be justified or you don't pay your fees before 31 July.  If you've never had a responsible owner's rebate you can apply for one at any Council office by completing a short test, signing the terms and conditions form, and having your property inspected by one of our Animal Control Officers. If you have an urban property your section must be fully fenced to qualify. 

*Registration year runs from 1 July to 30 June.

How to register/re-register your dog

Your dog registration notice includes all the information on how to re-register your dog. You can do this by:

  • Visiting any Council office, Monday-Friday 8am-4.30pm
  • Using our online form (your registration tag will be mailed to you)

The fastest way to get dog registration notices is via email. You can provide us your email address by opting in to Animal Control email updates here.

Latest news



Dog registration notices sent out

4 -10 June 2024



Dog registrations due

31 July 2024


50% penalty applied for any outstanding dog registrations

7 August 2024



Dog registrations plus 50% penalty due

9 September 2024


Non registered dog checks begin. Infringement Notices are issued for non-registration, customer will also need to register their dog on top of this fee

10 September 2024
