District water restrictions

Te Aroha is currently on level 3 water restrictions while the rest of the district remains on level 2. 

Our water alert system consists of four levels: 

Level 1: Use water sensibly

Water supply is expected to come under pressure. Sprinklers can be used from 6-8am and 6-8pm only. Watering by hand can take place anytime but avoiding the hottest part of the day reduces the amount of water that evaporates which is good for the plants and uses every drop well. Trigger nozzles on hoses are recommended.

Level 2: Water on alternate days

Reduce outdoor water use - the water supply is under considerable pressure and significant savings are required. Sprinklers and garden irrigation systems can only be used on alternate days (even street numbers on even days, odd street numbers on odd days) between 6-8am and 6-8pm only. 

Watering by hand can take place anytime but avoiding the hottest part of the day reduces the amount of water that evaporates which is good for the plants and uses every drop well. Do not leave hoses unattended and use a trigger nozzle.

Level 3: Sprinkler/irrigation ban

At this level, the water supply is under extreme pressure. Take all practical steps to reduce your water use. Hand watering (hoses, watering cans and buckets) should only be used on alternate days between 6-8am and 6-8pm. Sprinklers, garden irrigation systems, unattended hoses, unnecessary water blasting and other water use is banned.

Level 4: Total watering ban

Reduce your water use immediately and stop outdoor water use. At this level the water supply level is critical and Waikato Regional Council restrictions may be applied. All use of water outside the house is banned. Only essential water use is allowed (i.e. drinking and hygiene).


Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my water smell earthy?

This is due to the dry weather, which has impacted our water sources. When there’s less fresh rainwater, natural changes like increased algae and minerals can occur and impact taste. Please rest assured that the water is still safe to drink. Our teams will continue to monitor the situation.

Do water restrictions apply to the whole district?

At levels 1 and 2, restrictions are district-wide. At levels 3 and 4, restrictions can be applied district-wide or by town or catchment area.

Who has to follow water restrictions?

Residents and commercial customers on Council water supply.

Do water restrictions apply to businesses?

Level 1 and 2 water restrictions apply to all commercial customers (including schools and childcare centres) on Council water supply, where water is being used for non-core business purposes. For example, using a hand held hose to water a lawn or garden outside a dental clinic, school or café. The core business is providing dental services, education and food – not gardening/landscaping.

Level 3 and 4 restrictions apply to all commercial customers regardless of business.

Why do we need to conserve water?

Water is not an unlimited resource, and especially in summer, the sources that feed in to our water supply can come under strain and we need to make sure there is enough water to go around. In exceptionally wet summers (such as following Cyclone Gabrielle) high levels of water restrictions may not be needed, but conserving water is always best practice.

Morrinsville just got a new water supply and treatment plant, why do they still have water restrictions?

The additional water supply provides greater water security but does not mean the end to water restrictions. We don’t have access to unlimited water. Our consents (with Waikato Regional Council) limit the amount of water we can take, and that’s why limiting its use will continue to happen when there’s a need to lower water demand.

Water’s a precious resource and restrictions are part of Council’s overall water management strategy and are used to manage water demand at peak times of the year. However, we’ll be aiming to manage our water supplies to increase security in water events and reduce higher level restrictions seasonally in the future.

Why don't you just take more water?

We are limited in the amount we can take and where we can take it from by Waikato Regional Council, who monitor to ensure the environment is not being unduly affected by water use. We are currently investigating options to increase intake and further diversify our water sources.

Are we on water restrictions because commercial customers are using all the water?

We have agreed water flow rates and volumes with most commercial customers in our district, this places limits on the amount they can take. Level 3 and 4 restrictions apply to commercial customers as well as some additional restrictions. At level 3 they must reduce water consumption by 10%, this increases to 20% at level 4.

How do water restrictions affect permitted water tanker drivers?
Permitted water tanker drivers must abide by water restrictions and some additional restrictions. At level 3 they can only draw water for potable drinking water purposes. At level 4 they can not draw water at all. If a driver breaches restrictions, their access to the draw stations will be suspended immediately.
Why are Council parks and gardens getting watered outside of restrictions?

A couple of our outdoor spaces – Campbell Park in Morrinsville and the Te Aroha Domain – have independent water sources that do not affect Council water supply. Our other outdoor spaces abide by water restrictions, this may mean that some plantings do not look their best however we are aiming to plant in a drought resistant way where possible.

Please note that while level 1 and 2 restrictions are district-wide, level 3 and 4 water restrictions may be applied to separate towns. So if your town is on level 4 water restrictions, you may travel to another town and see parks being watered if they are on a lower restriction level.

How can you go on about saving water when there are leaks on the street?

Please make sure the leak has been reported by using the Antenno app or giving us a call. Our works team have a set response time however their schedules can be interrupted by emergencies.

It just rained loads, why do we still have restrictions?

Rain is great to refill our water sources, but it also muddies the waters and slows production of treated water in our water treatment plants.

Isn't some of Council's water supply from bores? Surely they're not affected by summer?

While much more resistant to changes in weather, groud water sources can be affected by long periods of drought, especially as other bore owners may need to draw more water up from the same underground source in dry or hot periods.

How can I report a breach of water restrictions?

You can report breaches of water restrictions via the Antenno app, by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by giving us a call.

How can I save water?

Check out our water saving tips for more ideas on how you can save water.