5.8 Regular Stock Movements Within a Road

5.8.1 Regular Stock Movement Within an Unformed Road

All regular stock movement within an unformed road is identified as a permitted activity subject to access not being impeded for others by the occupier.


5.8.2 Regular Stock Movement Within a Formed Road


Stock Underpass(es) so as to ensure access is not impaired shall be installed by the applicant beneath existing accessways to property not owned by the applicant unless approval not to do so has been granted by the adjacent landowner and occupier.


Where stock underpasses are required to be installed they are subject to design approval and shall meet the following:

  1. maximum height 2200mm
  2. maximum width 3000mm
  3. maximum area of the internal cross-section 6.6m²
  4. effluent disposal as required by the Waikato Regional Plan


5.8.3 Security

  1. Frontager Rights

    The rights of owners of land fronting a road must be maintained and Council shall put in place a right related to the needs or use of an adjoining farm through a Profit a Prendre or similar agreement.

  2. Relationship Agreement

    Appropriate security for recording the relationship between the Council and the consent holder for appropriate use of the road will be required. This includes a deed of grant such as Profit a Prendre, and covenants under sections 108 and 109 of the Resource Management Act. The security agreement will record terms and conditions of the private use of the Council road.



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