Matamata-Piako cemeteries offer a range of services and facilities for burials and memorials, and for family and friends to remember the deceased.
Matamata-Piako District Council operates and maintains six cemeteries throughout the district, these are:
- Matamata Cemetery - Peria Road, Matamata
- Piako Lawn Cemetery - Seales Road, Morrinsville
- Te Aroha Cemetery - Stanley Road South, Te Aroha
- Maukoro Cemetery - Old Hill Road, RD 3, Morrinsville (limited number of plots available)
- Old Morrinsville Cemetery - Thames Street, Morrinsville (this cemetery is closed except for already purchased plots. Access from road only as gate is locked unless arranged prior)
- Waharoa Cemetery - Dunlop Road, Waharoa (this cemetery is closed)
Gates at Matamata, Piako Lawn and Te Aroha Cemeteries are open by 8am and closed by 6pm, daily. During summer the gates are usually open later to work in with daylight savings.
The Matamata-Piako Cemeteries brochure (pdf, 107kb) provides helpful information about our cemeteries.
Burial Records & Genealogical Information
Our burial records are now available online. We are still working on developing the cemetery online database as an ongoing project. If you are unable to find the information you require through the online search, you can make a Burial Enquiry online and we will get back to you with the information.
Burial records for each town are held in the Council Office in that town (e.g. Morrinsville burial records are held at the Morrinsville Council Office). Customer Services can help you find information about people interred at Matamata-Piako cemeteries, either call into your closest area office or phone us on 07 884 0060 (Te Aroha and Morrinsville) or 07 881 9050 (Matamata).
War Graves
Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) commemorates 3,500 men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died during the First and Second World Wars.
Manatū Taonga is the Aotearoa New Zealand agent for the CWGC. As agents for CWGC Manatū Taonga is responsible for graves of personnel who died between 4 August 1914 and 31 August 1921 and 3 September 1939 and 31 December 1947.
How to find Commonwealth War Graves in New Zealand?
Discover the final resting places of World War casualties cared for by Manatū Taonga on the CWGC website here.
Commonwealth Graves registered in Matamata-Piako
Te Aroha Matamata Morrinsville